How to Senior Proof Your House!


Make life easier for your Senior Cat or Dog

Taking care of an older pet does require a little more effort and attention. Things that were once easy for your cat or dog, may now be a struggle for them. Changing a few things up in your house to help your pet drink, eat, exercise, sleep and go to the bathroom easily will make such a big difference to their quality of life. Meaning, a happier and healthier pet for longer!

Here are our Top 8 things you can do around the house:

  1. Easy-to-use food and water dishes – Some older cats and dogs experience neck pain or general discomfort when leaning down or reaching up. Think about where to place their bowls, to allow your pet to comfortably and easily access their food. You can even buy adjustable ones!
  2. More food and water stations around the house – Senior pets may find it more difficult to find their normal feeding spot. This is particularly true for cats, who may not be moving around as much or on the forgetful side! Having multiple feeding stations will allow your pet to get access to the nutrients they need, without having to search around the house.
  3. Making access to toilets easy – Climbing into containers and walking down steps can be painful for our pets suffering from sore muscles and joints. Using a ramp or lowered entry point will make it easier for pets to make it in and out of their bathroom without incident. Having a few locations for litter boxes so cats won’t have to travel far is a good option as well.
  4. Removing any tripping hazards – Fido might be a bit more uncoordinated these days, and the wooden floor in the kitchen might not be so fun now he’s older! Make life easier for your senior by cleaning your home of obstacles they may trip or slip on. Try putting a mat down for slippery surfaces to avoid falls that could cause a nasty injury and a visit to the vet.
  5. Eliminate sharp corners and objects – Older pets are more prone to accidents and bumping into things in their environment. This means any furniture with sharp, pointy corners could be potentially dangerous. It may not be aesthetically pleasing, but foam or especially made protective covers will minimise your furry friend harming themselves.
  6. Upgrade your pet’s bed – We all know that older pets love a good nap, but gone are the days when they might be comfy on a hardwood floor! It’s time to consider a super-thick orthopedic bed, which is off the floor to avoid drafts. This will keep them warm and provide support for achy joints.
  7. Avoid temperature extremes – Cats and dogs struggle with temperatures more as they age. At home keeping the house at a comfortable temperature, particularly in the winter months will aid your pet’s health. Similarly, if you are out and about, it might be time to consider a coat for your dog who will be feeling the chill more!
  8. Ramp up your Life! – It may sound silly to add ramps around your house for your senior pet, but they will make a huge difference for your cat and dog’s accessibility and getting to those places they’ve always loved. In particular, having a ramp to get in and out of the car will be a game-changer when it comes to taking your dog for their walkies!